Know my Star and Birth Rashi

Many of us are unaware of our birth star (Janma Nakshatra) and birth Rashi. Most of the astrological analysis’s are made based on the birth star or birth Rashi. Birth star is the star at our birth time, and the Rashi is the Rashi which it is belongs to. I f you give your date and time of birth we call tell exactly what is your birth star and birth Rashi. We are offering this service absolutely free of cost.

Why do I know my Star and Rashi ?

Almost of all of the astrological analysis’s based on birth star and birth Rashi. Our time depends on the birth star and Rashi. Each of the stars and Rashis has some common effects depending on the time. If you know your star and Rashi you can check your general predictions for your star or Rashi. Also if you have to consult an astrologer, perform special poojas, checking marriage compatibility etc. you have to know your birth star. Now here is an easy and authentic way to find your birth star and Rashi. For extreme accuracy, we are manually finding your birth star and Rashi. For finding your birth star and Rashi, just fill the form right side of this page. Your exact birth star and birth Rashi will be sent to your mail, absolutely free of cost.

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