The Most Important Astrological Factors Affecting Job Changes
Astrology is a study of the position of stars and planets which is used to predict the future or guide oneself while making prominent decisions. The Online Horoscope in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, English, and Hindi, published on various platforms is obtained from the predictions of Vedic astrology. The whole procedure and studying are based on astronomical phenomena. It is believed that stars overhead when a person was born, whether Mercury is in retrograde or not, etc. can determine the outputs of daily activities performed by the native.
Importance of Astrology for Career
Many people often get confused with the core motive of astrological prediction. It does not only aim for telling someone’s future but rather it can also help you as a guide to take important decisions. Moreover, astrology predictions keep you aware of the alternatives and obstacles that one might have to face during his/her professional career.
The planet transiting the tenth house is usually held responsible for promotions in career, changing or getting into a new field, etc. Hence, by using Vedic Astrology an appropriate job change can be made to eliminate any chances of unfortunate happening.
Astrological Factors Affecting Job Changes
The Online Jathakam in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, English, and Hindi or the astrological predictions in different languages can be useful for career prediction. Here are some of the factors of astrology that can affect job changes:
- Due to some possible combinations of Lords or Trik houses (6, 8, 12) and their lords, disturbance in career or change of job field may occur. For instance, Langan or Lagna Lord, 10th house or 10 lords, AMK or trik houses’ are expected to cause obstacles in the professional career of the person. Therefore, such scenarios may result in job shifts.
- On the other hand, planetary wars on planets are some factors that significantly contribute to an unstable career. Also, the Dasha of deliberated planets can lead to job changes.
- When Jupiter is placed in the 6th house of service or competition or 10th house of the profession then it may signal some career changes, according to astrology. Additionally, various combinations of 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th house/lord with the 5th and 9th house/lord can result in alteration of the profession.
- Another reason for obstacles or verge of job change may have occurred due to the combination of 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 11th houses/lords which may be placed in the main or sub-periods.
- The placement of the 10th house lord in the 12 houses is also an indicator of either job loss or frequent job changes.
- Some combinations of planets, as well, can lead to job changes or extreme hardships in professional life. Saturn represents the areas for life improvements to overcome challenges. When Saturn and Mars unite to form combinations with the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 10th, or 12th house\lord job changes or loss can be expected at the same time, it may lead to challenges in the current profession.
Get Your Jathakam
In a nutshell, Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house play a very significant role when it comes to job changes and career selection. Whereas, the 9th house is considered responsible for job transfers, job changes, and traveling while the 10th house controls the matter related to Rank, status, profession, and authority. Transiting the different planets in these houses and lords is the main reason for obstacles. Success and changes in professional life.