Astrology Online

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  • Bhava Predictions
  • Dasha / Apahara Periods for Career​​
  • Favourable Periods for Career


  • Bhava Predictions
  • Dasha / Apahara Periods for Marriage
  • Favourable Periods for Marriage


  • Bhava Predictions
  • Dasha / Apahara Periods for Business
  • Favourable Periods for Business


  • Panchanga Predictions
  • Special Combination of the Planets (YOGA)
  • Bhava Predictions


  • Bhava Predictions
  • Dasha / Apahara Periods for House Construction
  • Favourable Periods House Construction


  • Bhava Predictions
  • Ashtakavarga Predictions
  • Sarvashtakavarga Predictions

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Basic Jathakam

  • Panchanga Predictions
  • Special Combination of the Planets (YOGA)
  • Bhava Predictions
  • General Predictions

Yearly Horoscope 2023

  • Yearly horoscope prediction by date of birth
  • Financial Forecast for 2023
  • Favorable planets & predictions

Complete Jathakam
with Remedies

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  • Panchanga Predictions
  • Special Combination of the Planets (YOGA)
  • Bhava Predictions
  • General Predictions
  • Transit Forecast
  • Ashtakavarga Predictions
  • Favourable Periods
  • Dasa Periods and Predictions
  • Graha Dosa and Remedies
  • Remedies for All Doshas

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What Do You Get from Jathakam Online Report?

Panchanga predictions

According to Vedic astrology classification, you have a circle of 12 zodiac signs divided into 27 respective stars. Panchanga predictions take birth from these, along with Birth Yoga, or Nitya Yoga. It tells about your basic traits, personality, and temperament, to cast horoscopes and make predictions.

Bhava predictions

This report lets you understand the 12 bhavas or houses, and know in detail about the life factors such as wealth, career, personality, relationships, marriage, and education, these houses control. Bhava predictions help you know the planetary patterns and know if they are currently in your favor.

Graha dosha and remedies

This tells about the undesirable ‘dosha’ you might experience due to the planetary misalignment. This happens when your sun and moon are in conjunction with Ketu and Rahu. With astrological remedies, you can eliminate the harmful consequences of planets and related elements in life.

Favorable Periods

This is a kind of personalized astrology that learns about the apaharas or dashas, and the planetary positions in detail. This can be used to reveal favorable periods for special occasions like marriage, construction of homes, business, and career.

Ashtakavarga predictions

Ashtakavarga system revolves around eight divisions as Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and Lagna. This report based on Vedic astrology lets you find how strong the houses and planets in your birth chart are. It lets you go ahead with the strong suits and make remedies to avoid the negative impact of weaker houses.

Remedies & recommendations

With this report, you can overcome any obstacles or challenges you face in life. It checks the Rahu dosha, Ketu dosha, and Kuja Dosha. Also, your birth star imposes some particular characteristics within yourself, making difficulties in life. This report also helps you mitigate these difficulties with a complete list of birth star-based remedies.