Terms and Conditions

To have a deal with jathakam.org you are bound to agree with certain terms and conditions.

General terms

1. You can pay the amount and obtain your horoscope at any time you wish. The price will be fixed as listed. The  email address provided during the registration will be the final billing address for delivery of the horoscope.
2. Placing an order on jathakam.org on-line includes an irreversible acceptance of the purchase. As the parent company NetVenture Digital Solutions Pvt. Ltd. will be the payee on behalf of Jathakam.org
3. Horoscope is prepared and send only after receiving the payment for the same.
4. Horoscope is prepared using the information provided by the buyer.
5. Jathakam.org is authorized to exercise complete discretion in acceptance or rejection of orders received.
6. The buyer is obliged to provide the true and accurate information. If at all there is any change in the already provided information, it should be updated and intimated to jathakam.org right away.
7. Besides these terms and conditions, you may please refer our Privacy Policy also..

Get Your Jathakam

p950 p350
Date of birth*
Time of birth*